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How do Nucleation Nozzles Create Tiny Ice Crystals used for Making Snow?

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Small Water Droplets

Water and air are used in a nozzle, or series of nozzles, to create tiny water droplets utilized in nucleation. The nucleation nozzle is designed to project tiny water droplets into the central bulk water spray of the snow gun. As these tiny water droplets exit the nucleation nozzle, they freeze into tiny ice crystals. Snowflakes are formed when these tiny ice crystals contact larger droplets produced in other nozzles in the snow gun.  


The size of water droplets formed in this nozzle is typically within 30-70 microns. For reference, human hair is about 50-100 microns. So, these droplets need to be very small to work correctly!  


Most snow guns combine water and air in the Nucleation Nozzle to form these tiny droplets. Lance Guns, Fan Guns, and residential snow guns all use compressed air in varying amounts to create these tiny ice crystals.

Balance of Water and Air

The balance of water and air is essential in creating the proper-sized water droplets in the Nucleation Nozzle. If too much water or too little air is supplied to the nucleation nozzle, the air cannot shear the water droplets tiny enough to create snow. We call this “water heavy” when the nucleation nozzle has too much water or too little air for proper droplet size creation.  


When too much air is supplied to the nucleation nozzle, the droplets may be too tiny. When the nucleation nozzle is “air heavy,” compressed air may overtake the water stream and create droplets too tiny to contact other water droplets produced by the snow gun. If the ice crystals formed in the nucleation are too small to get the other droplets, then water droplets will not have a nucleation size to freeze onto, and snow will not form. 

 As we can see, the balance of water and air is essential for appropriately sized nucleation crystals. Commercial snow guns have engineered methods for regulating the flow of water and air inside these nozzles. Pressure gauges, water and air pressure regulators, and other devices dial in the water and airflow to create the proper-sized droplets. Residential snow guns are less complicated as the snow gun nozzles set the water and airflow. As a result, residential snow guns can be less effective in specific temperature ranges. 

Types of Nucleation Nozzles

Nucleation nozzles can be classified by how the air and water are mixed at the nozzle. The two main types of nucleation nozzles used are Internal and externally mixed.  

Internally mixed nucleation nozzles mix water and air inside a nozzle before exiting the nozzle into the air. The water droplets are sheared inside the nozzle and projected out of a small opening. 


Externally mixed means water and air are mixed outside two or more nozzles. As these nozzles spray air and water externally, the streams are mixed, and the water droplets are shed outside of these nozzles. 


There’s a lot of confusion surrounding DIY home snowmakers regarding internally mixed nucleators. Many DIY designs use a series of pipes to create an “internally mixed snow gun,” not an internally mixed “nucleator” or nucleation nozzle. Internally mixed snow guns combine water and air inside of snow gun piping instead of inside of a separate nucleation nozzle. Combining water and air inside the snow gun piping is not recommended as regulation is complex, and water and air backflow are common. If water or air is “backflowed,” you can easily damage the compressor or pump. 


Most commercial snow guns use an internally mixed nucleation nozzle since it has superior mixing capacity. When water and air are evenly mixed in the nucleation nozzle, even shearing of water droplets creates millions of properly sized ice crystals.  

Most residential snow guns use externally mixed nucleation nozzles for simplicity and lower cost. These snow guns intersect water and air streams to shear droplets into the correct size for snow formation. The downsize to external mixed nucleators is the smaller distribution of ice crystals produced. Externally mixed nucleators are typically less efficient, and a percentage of the ice crystals produced are outside the proper nucleation range. 


In conclusion, nucleation nozzles are essential for snowmaking as they create small ice crystals that act as nucleation sites for water exiting the snow gun. Compressed air and water balance in the nucleation nozzle is important to ensure ice crystals are sheared between 30-70 microns in size. As the ice crystal mixes with larger droplets exiting the snow gun, the water droplets attach to the ice crystal (nuclei) and freeze to form snow. The two main types of nucleation nozzles are internal and externally mixed nozzles. These two types differ in how the nozzles mix the air and water. Internally mixed nucleation nozzles generally have superior mixing capacity and better snow quality. Externally mixed nucleation nozzles are cheaper since the design is easier to build, but they can’t produce the quality of snow due to less efficient mixing.


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